NOTE: To perform the following tasks you need administrator privileges for your account.
Accessing your Pricen account's admin settings
Your Account Settings can be accessed from the account menu at the bottom left corner of the Pricen app (account & user name).
Click the account menu button
Then click Account settings.
The Account settings button is only visible if you have admin rights to the account. This will take you to the account admin page.
Choose the Users sub-page located in the tab row.
Controlling users
On the Users page you will see a table of users with access to your account.
Deleting users
Select a user in the table and click the delete button (trash can icon) on the table toolbar.
Modifying users
Select a user in the table and click the edit button (pen icon) on the table toolbar. Here you can change user details and permissions.
Adding a new user
Click the add new user button beneath the users table. You will be presented with a form for user details. Fill all fields and choose appropriate user permissions.
User Permissions
There are four different user levels to control permissions for your data:
Viewer: has access to view data and analytics but cannot make modifications to the product catalog or inputs.
Viewer and downloader: same access as viewer but can also export data from tables.
Editor: can modify the product catalog as well as edit & add data sources.
Admin: same rights as editor but can also modify the account's settings and modify users.
Adding users in bulk
If you want to add multiple users at once please contact the Pricen team. Adding multiple users at once is only possible according to the agreement and contract terms your organization has with Pricen.