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Profile settings

Edit personal preferences, change password, set language, etc...

Fredrik Hollsten avatar
Written by Fredrik Hollsten
Updated over 11 months ago

The Profile Page is where you manage all of your personal information and settings. Access your Profile Page from the side menu by clicking the circled button at the bottom left of the page. Then, choose the Personal Settings menu from the top of the menu.

The Profile Page consists of two tabs

  1. User details: edit/add personal information such as name, email and password

  2. App preferences: change app settings for your account. Set language, reference website/store, etc.

User details

From the User Details tab you can find and edit your personal details such as first name, last name, email, password, etc.. This is also where you can log out of all your active sessions with just one click of a button.

App preferences

The App Preferences tab controls how you interact with your data. Go to your App Preferences to set or edit following:

App preferences tab selected under Personal settings

1. Reference website and store name

In order to get the most of out of Sniffie’s analytics, you should set your Reference website. To set the Reference website from your account settings please follow these instructions:

1. Expand your Reference website settings

2. Click on the drop down selector, set your desired reference website and click on the save changes button.

3. If the selected website has multiple stores, continue to steps four and five. If not, skip these steps (The selected website needs to have sniffs with dynamic store names.)

4. If the preferred website has multiple stores, click Expand in the reference store section.

5. Select the desired store from the drop down and then click on the save changes button.

2. How to change your reference column for price matrix

  1. Open the accordion about reference store. It's the 3rd one.

  2. Select new reference column from the dropdown.

    set reference column
  3. Click "Save" button.

  4. A success message will appear at the top right corner of your screen. Your reference column was just saved, and that column's info will appear in the price matrix the next time you navigate to it.

  5. If you receive an error message, try again. If the problem persists, please contact Sniffie support through our Intercom chat.

How to clear any existing reference info

  1. Expand the corresponding accordion for the reference info you want to clear.

  2. Click the Reset reference website button next to the Save button.

  3. A success message will appear at the top right of the app. Your reference info was just cleared and you are good to go.

  4. If you receive an error message, try again. If the problem persists, please contact Sniffie Customer Support by clicking on the chat icon at the top right of your screen.

3. How to hide and enable side navigation features

To hide or enable side navigation features, expand the UI preferences accordion and follow these steps:

  1. In the multi-select, you may choose which modules are displayed in the side navigation. Only the modules your account has access to are displayed in the selector.

  2. Click Save once you are finished.

  3. A success message will appear at the top right corner of your screen. Your preferences are now saved and will be remembered.

User interface options to choose from.

4. Language selection

  1. Expand the language preference accordion by clicking on Locale. (It's the last option)

  2. Choose your desired language from the list of supported languages. Currently Sniffie offers native support for English, Swedish and Finnish. More languages, such as French, German and Spanish are coming soon.

  3. Click Save

  4. Your preferred UI language is now saved and will be remembered.

    Language settings

5. Set suggested profile filters

  1. You can define which filters you would like to have visible by default on your Products view. You can define up to six (6) options here. Selected your desired ones from here. Also note that the order of selection will define the ordering in your Product view.

  2. After saving your Product view will have the suggested filters available as you have defined.

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