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Adding your product feed to Pricen

Instructions and specifications for adding your own products to Pricen using a CSV / XML / JSON feed.

Mika Kasanen avatar
Written by Mika Kasanen
Updated over a week ago

Pricen supports importing your own products directly using a CSV file / XML / JSON feed available for download by Pricen from a web address of your choosing.

Here are the minimum specifications for a basic feed:

Sniffie feed guidelines-----------------------File format: CSV / XML / JSONFirst row must contain the following columns:- Product name- Category- Website- Currency- Price- SKUThe following column names can also be included in the feed for a more expanded performance:- Brand- Store name- Product code- Custom column 1- Custom column 2- Custom column 3- Custom column 4- Custom column 5- Custom column 6- Custom column 7- Custom column 8- Custom column 9- Purchase price- Margin target (%)- Margin target- Recommended retail price- Internal RRP- EAN- Manufacturer code- Subcategory 1- Subcategory 2- Subcategory 3- Subcategory 4- Color- Variant- Manufacturer- Weight- Dimensions- Sales volume- Description- Image- Unit- Product imageFile / feed must use UTF-8 encoding.Category, Product name, Product code, Brand and Website are used to generate a unique identifier for each product. When refreshing the feed, these are used to update the existing entry in Sniffie's database. If these fields do not match with anything, a new product entry is added. **This behaviour will change, so that new entries from a feed are unique by SKU only.**If product image is added, it should be downloadable over the internet or be encoded with base64 (up to 1024 characters)File / feed  should be available for download by HTTP/HTTPS.Example of a first row with some columns (CSV):"Product name","Category","Website","Currency","Price","Product code","Store name","Brand","Custom column 1","Custom column 2","Custom column 3","Custom column 4","Custom column 5","Custom column 6","Custom column 7","Custom column 8","Custom column 9","Purchase price","Margin target (%)","Margin target","Recommended retail price","Internal RRP","SKU","EAN","Manufacturer code","Subcategory 1","Subcategory 2","Subcategory 3","Subcategory 4","Color","Variant","Manufacturer","Weight","Dimensions","Sales volume","Description","Image","Unit"
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